Here are five tried and tested tools I’ve used as a non-profit communicator and highly recommend.

PlaceIt App

Allows you to easily make mock-ups of logos or products using templates.
I've used the free templates to make header images for my website.


Offers free professional tutorials photos that can be used for many projects. Including photographer credit is appreciated.
I use Unsplash photos on my website and in some social media posts.


A cost effective and robust social media management tool.
I’ve used Publer to work with comms colleagues using the team feature and schedule social media with a built-in link in bio function for Instagram.

Rocket Book

A reusable notebook that works with erasable pens.
I have two sizes and love them both.

The Planner for Strategic Communicators

I created and launched this planner last year. It provides strategic communicators with everything they need to develop a communications strategy.
Sound helpful for your comms work? Order yours here.