An open laptop sits on a table. To the right is a notebook.

A comprehensive, direction-setting communications strategy that outlines measurable ways communications can help you achieve the goals outlined in your non-profit's strategic plan.

Nuts and bolts

  • Communications strategy customized for your non-profit or social change organization that reflects the unique vision and mission you have for a better world
  • Coincides with the time frame of your strategic plan
  • Strategy includes: 
    • Goal: The single most important, high-level goal you'd like to achieve.
    • Objectives: The activities you will undertake to achieve your goal.
    • Analysis: A review of your organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as they apply to communications.
    • Audiences: An outline of target audiences to help you identify where to focus your communication efforts.
    • Key messages: Overarching messages that will speak to your audiences and provide you with consistent themes to include in your content.
    • Timeline: A calendar that spans the length of your strategy and will outline when to do what.
    • Tactics: The tangible items you will implement that will support your objectives and help you achieve your goal.
    • Evaluation: Information about how to report on the status of your strategy and how to analyze whether you were successful in achieving your goal.

This package is ideal for you if: 

  • Your non-profit organization has a new strategic plan and want to ensure your communications activities support it.
  • Your social change organization has an existing strategic plan and would like to strengthen the alignment of your communications activities with it.
  • As a communications staff person, you feel overwhelmed with managing your communications activities and would like to know how best to use your time and resources.
  • You've heard about the ways that strategic communications can help you build connections with your supporters and mobilize people to take positive action.

Testimonial from a Mission Pack client

"The St. Norbert Farmers' Market worked with Ellen at Stratosphere Communications on a strategy to improve our social media presence, and build customer awareness. We were very pleased with both the quality of the work done, and the ease of communication between our staff and Ellen."

– Marilyn Firth, Executive Director, St. Norbert Farmers' Market

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