Take Back the Fight: Organizing Feminism for the Digital Age by Nora Loreto is a clarion call for all those committed to creating a fairer, more equitable world.
Drawing from her personal activism experiences and incorporating examples of successful past feminist organizing, Loreto deftly builds a case for the importance of relationship and community-based organizing as the best path forward for successfully making sustained and impactful change.
Through an analysis of digital organizing activities and attempts, Loreto explores how digital-only campaigns struggle to morph from the screen to the real world to create sustainable, lasting change.
While Loreto doesn’t offer definitive steps on how to build feminist structures or collectives in our digital age, she does provide substantial food for thought to help each of us find our way to work together.
Looking to the past for insights into what has worked, understanding the critical need to work in community, and being willing to move off-screen to in-person are some of the ways Loreto proposes we can make social change possible.
“Action is the only way that social change is made possible.” (p. 135)